Sunday, March 2, 2014

Winter Layers

     When I looked out my window this morning and saw thousands of white flakes sticking to the ground I was a little bit disappointed, but not the least bit shocked. As I predicted in my last post, March is already proving that it is not going to accept Spring without putting up a fight (the things I would do to live on the west coast at times like this). On the bright side, at least I can squeeze in one more post about my winter style.

     For me winter style is all about the layers. Unlike in high school, where my days consisted of shuffling through hallways from class to class, in college I have to brace myself for anything Mother Nature has up her sleeve. I can wake up in the morning and the temperature will be in the negatives and then by lunch it might be a balmy thirty degrees (Fahrenheit). 

     I love leggings in the winter because they are extremely comfortable and depending on the material, they can be warmer than many of the jeans I have (an added bonus they match almost everything). Over my leggings I like to wear a thinner shirt as well as a cardigan so if I get too warm I can ditch the cardigan and just wear a jacket and tee shirt.

The jacket I'm wearing in this post is one of my favorites because it was a steal in the sale section at one of my favorite stores, Urban Outfitters. The faux shearling adds an extra layer of warmth and the plaid design keeps it casual but can also be dressed up for the nighttime. 

Lipstick: MAC's Diva. Lipliner: MAC's Vino.

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